People as top priority

Indicators on page:

People have always been at the centre of LOTOS’s business. Our stakeholders play a part in how we generate not only economic, but also social and environmental value.

We always keep these values in mind in our decision making, striving to build good and lasting relations with people with whom we are associated.

We care about safety and respect human dignity both within the organisation and in relations with our business partners and customers. This approach extends to those who represent LOTOS on a daily basis and to those with whom we cooperate in our operations and communication.

The quality of our relationships is not only a goal in itself, but also a source of mutual benefits. Hence our efforts to engage in fruitful dialogue with our social stakeholders and market environment.

Our key efforts in this area include:

  • regular surveys to gauge the level of satisfaction among our customers and trade partners;
  • regular exchange of information with capital market participants through our Investor Relations site and road shows;
  • maintaining contacts with regulatory, inspection/audit and monitoring bodies;
  • dialogue with employees going beyond their daily work, as well as regular discussions with trade unions and the Works Council;
  • regular employee satisfaction surveys.


LOTOS stakeholder map

Customers have a high opinion of LOTOS

Our customers’ opinions and expectations are a vital source of information, inspiring us how to further develop our business. The satisfaction index for the LOTOS Group’s business customers improved considerably in 2019, to 88 compared with the previous reading of 78. This means a noticeable increase in relation to the survey results obtained in previous years, which had been more or less the same. To compare, the average satisfaction level for all industries in Poland is 69.

Respondents are satisfied with our products: 93% would recommend them and 91% would choose them again. Positive changes were recorded in the structure of the LOTOS Group’s customers relative to 2018, with a higher share of satisfied and loyal customers and a lower proportion of those disloyal and dissatisfied. At present, more than a half of our customers (60%) are our brand’s Apostles, i.e. the most loyal and satisfied group of customers, who are emotionally attached to the brand and disseminate positive opinions about it.

Customer types, breakdown by company