This report contains information covering the period from January 1st to December 31st 2019. The previous integrated report of the LOTOS Group was issued on November 23rd 2019.
The parent Grupa LOTOS S.A. is a joint-stock company 53.19% owned by the State Treasury as the majority shareholder. The LOTOS Group’s 2019 Integrated Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards (Core option) and pursuant to the Polish Accounting Act (Art. 49b and Art. 55.2b-55.2e). A change relative to previous years consists in the application in this report of environmental reporting guidelines of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). No restatements of previous reports have been made in this report. This report has not been subject to external assurance.
For the purposes of this report, a survey was carried out among more than 100 LOTOS Group stakeholders, the Group employees via the intranet, and the followers of Grupa LOTOS on Facebook. The survey was conducted by an independent consultancy firm Go Responsible between April 23rd and April 28th 2020. Participating in the online survey were representatives of the LOTOS Group Management, employees of the LOTOS Group across all companies and organisational units covered by reporting, and dozens of key external stakeholders of the LOTOS Group. In the survey, our stakeholders evaluated the materiality of the proposed topics from their own perspective and submitted their own proposals of issues which they believed should be addressed in the integrated report. Based on the findings, a process was carried out to identify and validate the material topics of this year’s report.
Topics selected as relevant by external stakeholders and by the company are reported.
In preparing individual sections of this report, the Company relied on the four principles set forth in the standard:
For more information on the economic, social and environmental aspects of the LOTOS Group’s operations please visit the Grupa LOTOS website at and
Letters should be sent to the Company’s headquarters:
Grupa LOTOS S.A.
ul. Elbląska 135
80-718 Gdańsk
If you have any queries, please contact the External Communication Department of Grupa LOTOS S.A. at
or by telephone at (+48 58) 308 72 29.
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