Greenhouse gas emissions

The key source of environmental impacts caused by our operations are gas emissions into the atmosphere. Therefore, we strive to employ the best available techniques and practices to minimise the environmental impacts of our processes involving air emissions.

Direct greenhouse gas emissions from the LOTOS Group’s industrial units (including those not covered by the emissions trading scheme) are determined based on the methodology set out in Commission Implementing Regulation (UE) 2018/2066 (in Polish). The amount of fuel combusted or source stream processed is multiplied by relevant factors (net calorific value, emission factor or oxidation factor), resulting in total greenhouse gas emissions.

Indirect emissions are determined based on the amount of electricity and heat purchased outside the Group, multiplied by relevant emission factors published periodically by the National Centre for Emissions Balancing and Management (KOBiZE).

Direct GHG emissions at the LOTOS Group (Scope 1)

Mg CO2e
Source of emissions 2017 2018 2019
Emissions associated with electricity generation 64,780 27,738 78,314
Emissions associated with heat generation 1,173,839 1,319,241 1,336,365
Emissions from cooling and steam generation systems 0 0 0.0
Emissions from physical and chemical processing 585,486 609,878 613,291
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) emissions 0 0 0.3
Emissions related to transport of materials, products and waste 0 0 0.0
Total direct greenhouse gas emissions 1,824,105 1,956,857 2,027,970

Main processes responsible for direct GHG emissions at the LOTOS Group

Mg CO2e
Process 2017 2018 2019
Heat and electricity generation 337,748 355,265 351,531
Refining 1,481,571 1,631,027 1,639,214
Gas flaring at rigs 50,540 45,550 52,098
Total direct greenhouse gas emissions 1,869,859 2,031,843 2,042,844

* For Grupa LOTOS, Energobaltic, LOTOS Asfalt, RCEkoenergia, LOTOS Petrobaltic.

Indirect GHG emissions at the LOTOS Group (Scope 2)

Source of emissions 2017 2018 2019
Electricity purchased outside the Group [MWh] 672,320 704,780 716,127
Thermal energy purchased outside the Group [GJ] 9,446 6,248 5,225
Emissions from electricity purchased for the organisation's needs [Mg CO2e] 541,945 547,681 553,566
Emissions from steam and cooling energy purchased for the organisation's needs [Mg CO2e] 1,087 719 601
Total indirect greenhouse gas emissions 543,032 548,401 554,167

Indirect GHG emissions at Grupa LOTOS (Scope 2)

Source of emissions 2017 2018 2019
Electricity purchased outside the Company [MWh] 501,513 540,740 549,689
Thermal energy purchased outside the Company [GJ] 0 0 0
Emissions from electricity purchased for the organisation's needs [Mg CO2e] 404,261 420,696 424,910
Emissions from steam and cooling energy purchased for the organisation's needs [Mg CO2e] 0 0 0
Total indirect greenhouse gas emissions 404,261 420,696 424,910

Emission intensity

Grupa LOTOS   2018 2019
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1+2) per tonne of crude oil processed Mg CO2e/Mg 0.214 0.205
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1+2) according to CWT methodology kg CO2e /CWT 26.8 26.8