Development and education

Indicators on page:

The training policy provides each employee with opportunities to increase their competencies and hone their strengths. It helps to discover talent within the organisation and support experts.

Well-selected training improves the LOTOS Group employees’ satisfaction and engagement.

We run satisfaction surveys to best align training subjects with the needs of our employees. Training programmes take into account each individual’s and organisational unit’s development plans, as well as the Group’s development needs. Our employees’ achievements are summarised and discussed using the Periodic Employee Evaluation System (PEES). In 2004, we launched LOTOS Academy, our training and development programme.

Average number of training hours per employee

  2018  2019  Yoy change
Number of training hours Training hours per employee Number of training hours Training hours per employee Number of training hours Training hours per employee
Grupa LOTOS            
By gender            
Women 12,881 26.6 11,967 22.7 -7.1% -14.66%
Men 24,663 24 27,589 24.8 +11.86% +3.33%
Total 37,514 24.8 39,556 24.1 +5.44% -2.82%
By job type            
Management 9,349 31.8 10,742 33.1 +14.9% +4.09%
Other employees 28,165 23.1 28,814 21.9 +2.3% -5.19%
Total 37,514 24.8 39,556 24.1 5.44% -2.82%
LOTOS Group            
By gender            
Women 25,085 21.7 25,817 21 +2.9% -3.4%
Men 79,911 20.5 88,576 21.4 +10.8% +4.2%
Total 104,996 20.8 114,393 21.3 +8.9% +2.4%
By job type*            
Management 22,055 22.6 24,808 23.8 +12.5% +5.3%
Other employees 82,910 20.6 89,105 20.8 +7.5% +1.1%
Total 104,965 21 113,913 21.4 +8.5% +2.0%

* AB LOTOS Geonafta data is not included.

The PEES is a valuable source of information on performance against professional and development goals, competency levels and training needs across the organisation.

Indicators used to measure the effectiveness of development initiatives at Grupa LOTOS:

  • average rating of key competencies: 5.1
  • average rating of managerial competencies: 5.0
  • average rating of functional competencies: 5.1
  • performance against development goals: 93.3%
  • performance against professional goals: 98.2%

Rating scale:

  • 1–3: significantly fails to meet expectations
  • 4: partially meets expectations
  • 5: fully meets expectations
  • 6: exceeds expectations
  • 7: significantly exceeds expectations

The average ratings of Grupa LOTOS employees’ competencies are satisfactory, ranging between 5 and 5.9, which means that expectations associated with a given competency are fully met. The high performance against development goals, of over 90%, and the types of goals set, point to diversity of development opportunities offered to employees. The development options chosen go beyond the training context, facilitating transfer of competencies to the workplace. Also, the Company’s employees have strong competency sets.

In 2019, 97.8% of all eligible employees of Grupa LOTOS were covered by the Periodic Employee Evaluation System (PEES).