The LOTOS Group is socially responsible and follows the principles of sustainable development. As part of its corporate risk management, it identifies risks in its business and undertakes measures to eliminate those related to the personnel, social matters, respect for human rights and the environment, and works to counteract corruption.
The LOTOS Group has implemented an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system to boost the effective implementation of its business strategies and processes. The above measures have been implemented as part of the Enterprise Risk Management Policy.
Mechanisms of the risk management model are embedded in the existing business processes. The model comprises three lines of defence, adjusted to the nature of particular activities and the possible impact of risks on the Group’s performance.
Source: the Company.
The ERM system focuses on key risks and forecasts their impact on the company’s operations and performance, thus facilitating the development of pre-emptive measures that may help mitigate or exploit risks or their consequences. This key functionality of the system is currently being strengthened at the LOTOS Group.
Management of opportunities and threats at the corporate level is carried out as part of a process involving:
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